Saturday, September 19, 2015

Rudai Sixteen : Collaboration tools

Setting Dates and working together

I tried to comment on the page with the weird writing that Rudai had set up on Google drive but I couldn't see it. When I made a suggested revision of the text that did come up. I don't know if I am doing something wrong? 

The fact I don't know how to use it properly didn't detract from my opinion of it. I think this is great. I really wish I had known about this when I did my Graddip, it would have made life much easier for some of the group projects where some of my team did not live or stay in Dublin. 

I can see the google docs being really useful for LAI committee work or for groups who use the library such as local history societies. 

I have taken part in doodle polls before but this was the first time I created one it was very easy to set up and best of all I didn't have to create another profile. So I set up a poll for a meet up in Athlone. I created the dates the 3rd and 10th of October and invited the Rudai gang along as these are the emails I had. I thought it interesting that there was a limit of 20 emails and that you could not paste emails addresses into the participants box. 

you can see the poll here my rudai doodle poll

There is no obligation to fill this out or come as I did it to have a go at creating a poll but if people fancy it I'll arrange something. 

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